NSW Psychiatry — NAPT


The New South Wales Association of Psychiatry Trainees (NAPT) is a not-for-profit organisation which aims to represent, support and advocate for psychiatry trainees in NSW.

Our committee comprises elected NSW psychiatry trainees and includes representatives from each training network and subspecialty advanced training program. We also have liaison members from the Branch Training Committee (BTC), Psychiatry State Training Council (PSTC) and Trainee Representative Committee (TRC).

In 2015 we hosted several events including the Inaugural Welcome Drinks, Academic Symposium, and Advanced Training and Subspecialty Information Night. We hope to bring psychiatry trainees together at a range of social, educational and information events each year.

Professor The Honourable Dame Marie Bashir AD, CVO has honoured NAPT by agreeing to act as our patron.

NAPT is open to all accredited psychiatry trainees in NSW, and other applicants upon consideration by the committee. Membership is free and new members are always welcome. Please sign up on our membership page and join our Facebook group.

Becoming a NSW Psychiatry Trainee

The Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) administers training nationally, delegating local training provision to the Health Education and Training Institute (HETI), whereas NSW Health administers service provision. This means that becoming a psychiatry trainee in NSW requires two (usually simultaneous) applications - One to the NSW branch of RANZCP and one to each job (see the NSW JMO Jobs website). HETI's psychiatry training networks are different from those for physician training and internship, and up-to-date lists of the networks and available rotations can be obtained from the RANZCP NSW Branch Administrative Officer - Training.

If you are already an accredited trainee in another state, there is a transfer process through the college rather than a new college application. You should contact the college for instructions specific to your situation. If you have never been an accredited trainee before, we strongly suggest you join the Psychiatry Interest Forum (PIF) to find out more about psychiatry and the profession. 

Professional Bodies

The Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) 


RANZCP Training Representative Committee

Health Education and Training Institute (HETI)

Interstate Trainee Associations

Victorian Association of Psychiatry Trainees (VAPT)

VAPT Facebook Group

Queensland Psychiatry Trainee Association (QPTA)

NAPT Facebook Group

Psychiatry Registrars in Australia and New Zealand Facebook Group

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